Software 5.1.3 release: continuous improvement
5 August 2019
Version 5 of our software, released in February 2019, has brought many benefits to our products and the idea of continuous improvement has always been the basis of our activities and projects.
Today we are pleased to announce the release of 5.1.3 version of InfinitePlay software. Always with a view to listening and enhance our customers’ opinions and needs, it is important to underline how the evolution of this software solves many problems experienced in the field by users and how it substantially consolidates the entire InfinitePlay system, making it even more effective and powerful.
Thanks to the improvement of our software and the consequent release of the latest 5.1.3 version, many features have been added that make the system extremely stable and increasingly efficient.
Moreover, an update has been introduced in our IPMarket for enabling the Teamviewer support also on Andorid monitors with version 8. From this moment it is in fact possible to activate the remote assistance from Next monitors through which an InfinitePlay technician will connect to solve any difficulties.
Where can I find the software version 5.1.3?
Now a new Software Update Area is available on our webiste from which you can download all the latest versions and updates of InfinitePlay product software that have to be done by qualified personnel. This way you can always find everything you need in one unique space.
What are you waiting for? Download the latest 5.1.3 version of our software now!

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