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Events news

Sicurezza Fair 2019

20 November 2019

InfinitePlay attended Fiera Sicurezza 2019 in Milan from November 13th to 15th, one of the main European events for the Security & Fire sector that focuses on smart solutions, integration and innovation.

This event, with more than 500 exhibiting companies, has been for us a very important exchange opportunity in which we presented our product news, among them the new Pleats range with Pleats Glossy and Pleats Smooth. We are always pleased to take part in this type of events that always enrich us by giving the possibility to participate in training meetings and sector conferences.

It was good on the one hand to see people we already work with, on the other to shake new hands for future collaborations.
Special thanks to our visitors and our partners… below some shots of the event!


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